2024-2025 Student Handbook 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Academic and Student Support

Academic Advising

Academic Records Alumni Association
Bookstore Career Services Childcare
Computer Labs Counseling Services Dining Services
Disability Services Financial Aid and Scholarships Libraries
Online Learning Services Police and Public Safety Testing Services
Transportation Tutoring Services Veterans


Academic Advising services are available at both the Main Campus and the Little Rock-South location. The Academic Advising and Career Services office provides entrance advising for all students new to UA - PTC, as well as academic advising and career exploration for students who are undecided on their major. Once students have identified a major, students will be assigned a specific faculty or staff advisor in their area of study. Students will be encouraged to meet with their advisor each semester to plan their class schedule.

The Academic Advising staff provide additional support to specific student groups such as students on Academic Probation/Suspension, students placed on an Early Alert by an instructor or other staff, concurrent and dual credit high school students, and international students.



The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s educational records. Student educational records are considered confidential and may not be released to anyone other than the student without the written consent of the student; this includes the student’s parents and spouse. Some information, termed “directory information,” may be released without the student’s written permission. UA-PTC reserves the right to deny requests for student directory information, and students have a right to request that directory information be withheld as confidential. The student should contact the Registrar to make such a request. Requests will remain in effect until the student submits a written request to remove the hold. Students are provided access to institutional mid-term grades, final grades, and unofficial transcripts through the UA-PTC Portal. If students have questions regarding academic records, please contact the Records Office.



The mission of the UA - Pulaski Technical College Alumni Association is to a) Foster a lifelong relationship between UA - Pulaski Technical College and its alumni, b) Support UA - Pulaski Technical College and the UA - Pulaski Technical College Foundation in advancing their missions, and c) Help serve the needs of the alumni community. Persons qualifying for a membership include any person who is a current or former student of UA-Pulaski Technical College and has completed at least one course, existing and former staff andfaculty, existing and former UA - Pulaski Tech Board of Visitor members and current or past UA -Pulaski Tech Foundation Board members. Members will benefit from participating merchant discounts and other benefits. To join or get more information, visit https://uaptc.edu/alumni.



The UA - PTC Bookstore is located in the Campus Center. It is operated independently by Textbook Brokers as a service to students, faculty, and staff. In addition to providing required textbooks, the bookstore also provides college T-shirts, sweatshirts, supplies, laptops, and other items. All items can be viewed anytime https://uaptc.edu/bookstore. Financial aid can be used in-store and online during the financial aid periods. Full textbook refunds are available with receipt until seven working days after the start of classes. Textbooks can be sold back for cash up to 50% of the purchase price after the refund period and/or any day the bookstore is open. For more information, call (501) 812-4102.



Career Services are also available to all UA - PTC students and alumni, including but not limited to initial major exploration at the time of enrollment, coaching in job-searching skills and strategies, career fairs, webinars and other hiring events connected to industry. College personnel work closely with area businesses and industry for the purpose of job placement. College staff can assist students in obtaining permanent employment upon graduation; however, thecollege does not guarantee employment.



Little Learners-Head Start Program, is located at 1500 West Pershing Boulevard. Head Start is a federally funded program designed to promote school readiness for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers from families that meet income eligibility requirements. Additional information about Little Learners Academy is available on the UA-PTC college website at Child Care Services for UA-PTC Students (uaptc.edu).



UA - PTC computer labs are open to all currently enrolled students. Open computer labs on the Main Campus are located in the Information Technology Center (IT 303), Business Technology Center (BTC 230A), and in the Learning Assistance Center on Main Campus (CCB 303) and Little Rock-South (Room 118).



The principal mission of Counseling Services is to assist students in adjusting to college life by identifying and removing barriers to academic success. Current students may receive individual counseling at no charge. Counseling Services also offers outreach programming such as presentations, workshops, and seminars for classes and groups on campus. For more information, visit Counseling Services at the Main Campus in the Campus Center Building or the Student Services Office at the Little Rock-South Campus. Appointments may be made by calling (501) 812-2738.



Big Rock Bistro on the Main Campus and South Paw Cafe at the South Campus offers a wide variety of food choices to accommodate every taste and appetite. They primarily serve students, faculty, and staff. The dining facilities are open to the general public and offer hot lunches, burgers, a salad bar, a variety of “grab-and-go” items, sandwiches, and Pizza.



UA-PTC is committed to fulfilling all federal requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amendments of 2008. Approved academic accommodations are available to students who have documented disabilities and submit that documentation to the Office of Disability Services.

Students may schedule an appointment with Disability Services via their UA - PTC Campus Portal. At this appointment, students will meet with an experienced counselor to discuss accommodations that may be appropriate for their situation. Students may submit documentation of their disability using the online option, or they may bring the documentation with them to their scheduled appointment. Documentation provided after the appointment may delay the approval of some or all of the requested accommodations. While it is preferred that students bring their documentation to the appointment, students should not delay the meeting due to a lack of documentation. It is possible that a counselor can help a student obtain the needed documentation from a qualified diagnostician or from a college previously attended.

Failure to register with Disability Services before the upcoming semester may result in a delay of services. Disability Services can be contacted at (501) 812-2738. Disability Services is located in the Campus Center at the Main Campus and in the Student Services Office at the Little Rock-South

In order to file a grievance in relation to classroom accommodations or other disability-related concern, students should follow the process outlined below:
1) The student should first communicate his or her concerns related to the accommodation(s) directly with the instructor.
2) If unsatisfied with the outcome, the student should make an appointment to discuss the concerns with a counselor in the Office of Disability Services.
3) If unsatisfied with the outcome, the student should provide the following information in writing and make an appointment to discuss the information with the Dean of Student Life and Wellness:
• A clear and concise statement of the problem or issues to be reviewed and a summary of steps taken, if any, by the student to resolve the problem or issues prior to the filing.
• A reasonably detailed description of the relevant facts including the student’s documented disability, approved accommodations, names of persons with information related to the complaint, and a description or copies of relevant documents or other evidence relevant to the grievance.
• The name, contact information, and signature of the person initiating the complaint.



The mission of UA - Pulaski Tech’s Office of Financial Aid is to provide educational opportunities through its administration of student financial aid and to insure compliance with federal, state, and institutional statutory and/or regulatory requirements associated with the delivery of student financial assistance and financial resources. Detailed information regarding Financial Aid at UA-PTC can be found in the Academic Catalog (Financial Aid and Scholarships - University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College - Modern Campus Catalog™ (uaptc.edu)) and on the website at Financial Aid and Scholarships (uaptc.edu).


STEP 1: Apply for Admission to UA-PTC (uaptc.edu/apply) and complete your Federal Aid Application (studentaid.gov). UA - Pulaski Tech’s school code: 014167
STEP 2: After completing the Admissions Process, activate your Campus Portal (portal.uaptc.edu/ics) account and begin checking your student email.
STEP 3: 3 - 5 days after applying for Federal Aid, check your email for instructions on how to access your UA-PTC Financial Aid Portal.
STEP 4: Through the UA-PTC Financial Aid Portal, review the DOCUMENTS tab and complete and submit any required documents.
STEP 5: Monitor your student email for an award notice and complete your online award letter through your UA-PTC Financial Aid Portal.
STEP 6: Keep your aid by maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress.



UA - PTC has two library locations to serve the college community. The Ottenheimer-North Library on the Main Campus and Ottenheimer-South Library each provide welcoming physical and virtual environments for faculty and students. The combined library collection contains a multitude of resources including 41,000 print volumes, 116 print periodicals, and 3,300 video visual materials.

The library website provides access to a wealth of electronic resources including 58 databases and more than 100,000 e-books. Both locations provide seating and lounge areas, individual study pods, group and individual study rooms, and desktop computer workstations with access to printers and scanners. Ottenheimer-North and Ottenheimer-South Libraries offer laptops, iPads, Kindles, and Flip cameras for checkout, as well as access to coin-operated black/white and color photocopiers. Wi-Fi access using personal laptops, tablets, and other devices is also available at both library locations. Professional librarians and library technicians are available at all open hours to assist users in-person, online, or over the telephone. UA - PTC Libraries have a strong cross-disciplinary information literacy training program with online tutorials, email reference, professional development workshops, group and individual instruction, and research assistance for students, faculty, and staff. LibGuides, a webbased knowledge management system, arranges our vast resources by subject to assist in guiding users to the information they need. Interlibrary loan and reciprocal borrowing programs provide expanded access to information resources. Check the Library website (UA-PTC Ottenheimer Library (uaptc.edu)) for hours of operation, policies, staff contact information, faculty services and links, research guides, and search tools.



UA - Pulaski Technical College utilizes Blackboard for all online courses. Standard access to the Blackboard system is available by logging into the Campus Portal and clicking the Blackboard “Quick Link” on the left. You will not need a separate login username or password to access Blackboard. Free orientation for online courses is available the week prior to the beginning of fall, spring, and summer I semesters. For a schedule of times and locations, please contact OSS@uaptc.edu. Technical assistance for Blackboard is available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. by sending an email to OSS@uaptc.edu. Services are not available on the weekends or holidays. E-mails sent after hours will be answered on the next business day.



The Offices of Police and Public Safety are located in the B Building Room 101 on the Main Campus and Room 104 at Little Rock-South. A police substation is located on the first floor of the Campus Center Building. The UA - PTC Police and Public Safety jurisdiction includes all property owned and operated by UA - PTC and adjacent streets and alleys. This jurisdiction extends to include any off-campus event sponsored by the college. The Office of Police and Public Safety employs police officers who meet all state training requirements and are graduates of the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy. Officers are sworn to uphold and enforce all federal, state and local laws. UA-PTC policies and procedures for students can be found on the UA - PTC website and in the Academic Catalog. UA - PTC police officers are available to assist anyone on UA - PTC property.

Lost and Found Property: Contact the Office of Police and Public Safety to report lost property, turn in found property, or to claim missing property. The Office of Police and Public Safety is located on the UA - PTC Main Campus in the B Building Room 101 and may be reached by phone at (501) 812-2711. The Office of Police and Public Safety is located in Room 104 at Little Rock-South and may be reached by phone at (501) 812-2856.

Medical Services: In the event of a major medical emergency, medical services should be contacted by dialing 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone. You will need to provide the dispatcher with your name, location of emergency (Building & Room), and nature of illness/injury. Students, staff, and guests should report injuries and medical incidents to UA - PTC police.



The primary function of the Office of Testing Services is to validate and quantify learning by administering high stakes exams in a quality environment that adheres to state, national, and professional standards and guidelines. Testing programs administered at UA-PTC include examinations for admission, placement, credit, licensing, certification, proctoring for students receiving accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and proctoring for students obtaining their education through distance learning.

Test results are designed to provide information to and about students so that general and faculty advisors can better guide them on their path to achievement and success. Information regarding our programs, scheduling, and current policy is available online at Office of Testing Services (uaptc.edu). For information about the assessments and exams provided by the Office of Testing Services, please call (501) 812-2787 or email testingcenter@uaptc.edu.



UA - PTC is a commuter college with ample parking for personal vehicles. Students, faculty, and staff are required to obtain a parking permit. Rock Region Metro provides bus transportation from various areas of Little Rock/North Little Rock to the campus. UA - PTC students are eligible to ride the bus for free by obtaining a Diamond Bus Pass sticker in the Student Services Office at the Little Rock-South Campus or the Welcome/Information Center at the Main Campus. Bus schedules are available in the Campus Center lobby, the Administration Building lobby, and in the Student Services Office at Little Rock-South.



Students who wish to improve their skills or are experiencing difficulty in their classes should visit the Bank of America Learning Assistance Center on the Main Campus or Little Rock-South (uaptc.edu/lac). Any student enrolled at UA - PTC may use the facilities of the LAC to improve or review academic skills in several college disciplines through the Tutoring Centers, and they may use the open computer labs for a variety of academic classwork. There is no charge for these services to currently enrolled UA - PTC students.

Online Tutoring: The Learning Assistance Center (LAC) is available for online tutoring. Using Blackboard, students can see and hear familiar faces they are accustomed to working with from the LAC. Students having difficulty accessing our online tutoring services, please contact our lab assistants or sign into Blackboard and access using the online tutoring link: Online Tutoring (uaptc.edu).

Computer Labs: Students may use the computer labs for word processing, working in supplemental software, using the Internet, checking email, using Blackboard, and doing database research. The LAC open computer lab is open during the week. Students are advised to visit the LAC for more information and current hours. The LAC computer labs are located at the Main Campus on the third floor of the Campus Center Building, room 308. The LAC open computer lab at the Little Rock-South Campus is located in room 222.

Tutoring Centers: Tutoring is available for a variety of college classes. The Tutoring Centers at UAPTC are committed to offering superior service by staying current with the best tutoring methodologies. The Tutoring Centers maintain a caring, supportive, and encouraging academic presence for students. No appointments are necessary for individual tutoring. Peer and professional tutors are available during the week. Tutors post hours of availability outside of the tutoring center. The LAC Tutoring Centers are located at the Main Campus on the third floor of the Campus Center Building, rooms 309 & 310. The LAC Tutoring Center at the Little Rock-South Campus is located in room 220.

Students can find hours of operation and information about the LAC on the UA-PTC website at Learning Assistance Center (uaptc.edu).



UA-PTC offers many services tailored to veterans, reservists, active-duty military, and dependents. Services available include college preparation, assistance with the application process, navigation of educational benefits, academic advising, deployment and relocation assistance, and other support services. For the purpose of tuition and fees applicable for all programs of study, including distance learning programs, UA-PTC shall classify all veterans, active-duty service members, guard, reserve, and dependents in-state tuition in accordance with Act 702 of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014.

For current and prospective UA - PTC students, the Veterans Services Office is available to help service members, veterans, and dependents use their military benefits and educational assistance programs at UA - PTC. The Veterans Services office provides information and assistance concerning military benefits and the college application process, assistance with navigating the educational implications of deployments and relocations, and access to other resources on campus and in the community. Veterans Services is located on the Main Campus. For more information about Veterans Services, call the Coordinator of Veterans Services at (501) 812-2720.